wat do i do ? basically living my life...

Kamis, 08 April 2010


writing is d way 4 us 2 treasure things,,things dat will fade as d time goes by. as we write we may re-experience d sweetness n d bitterness of memories...whatever we felt at dat time. bringing back memories,,on d other hand makes d distance we experience seems shorter...as if i could reach out my hand 2 u...wherever u re rite now :) enough reasons 2 write rite ? so dis is d story...

once upon a time,,there was a girl. a young girl dat even hadn't turned 17. she was a hopeless-romantic-dreamer who believed in fairytale n happy ending...she believed dat sumday she would meet a guy,,her own prince who could see trough her 86 kg of fats, helmet hair, smack down t-shirt...and finds a girl dat deserves 2 b loved.

at her first year in college our girl meet a boy. at dat moment she knew dat day boy n her are meant 2 b 2gether *or so she tought* maybe it's true dat they have some similarities,,but wat she was failed 2 see is dat boy had passed d stage dat she was on. dat his metamorphoses was almost finished while her metamorphoses hadn't even begun yet.

it took a pretty long time,,but then she realized dat she had 2 change if she ever want dat boy 2 look at her...dat stalking and hiding behind a pediatric bookshelf in d library just wouldn't work,,so at dat very moment she finally started her own metamorphoses. well,,it was a hell of metamorphoses and i dun mean it in an amazing kinda hell. statistically,,it involved 3x visit 2 d ER at d middle of d night,,countless growling of d stomach,,sweats,,tears,,and various episodes of heartaches,,depression,,and aggression. luckily she has a great family n friends who always support her no matter wat.

after dat she spent almost two years running back and forth - to and from dat boy...even,,she has tried everything dat she thought can help her 2 move on. sales,,ice cream,,boys and more boys. it's true dat she did like sum other boys and even had couples of crushes,,but at d end she can only address d word 'love' to only one person.

now i'm not a lt girl weight 86 *wow,,look at dat irony* with helmet hair and smack down t-shirt anymore. well,,maybe i'm not yet a butterfly but my metamorphoses still continue...and i guess i have 2 thank u 4 dat. thanks for making me grow. thanks for making me feel better when i look at d mirror...dat finally i can accept and love myself. thanks 4 being kind 2 me even at d time when i dun deserve it. i love u and i always will,,but i dun make dis post 2 beg u 2 accept me,,so again...thanks senpai :)

"sumtimes goodbye means nothing,,it's just d only logical thing 2 say at dat moment." -dB-

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