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Rabu, 14 April 2010

about ginny

i like harry potter series...in fact i have read and collected all of d books and spent my childhood obsessing about it. i even had a crush on my cousin dat has d same face as daniel radcliffe *interested ? no,,there is no way i can give u his fb link xD* having said dat,,on dis special occasion i will write sumthing about HP but it definitely isn't a review coz i know there re millions of them at d internet. tonite i will write about : GINNY WEASLEY.

no,,i personally dun like ginny weasley or bonnie wright *no offense 2 her fans* if i am asked which one of HP girls i like,,i will say : luna lovegood, nymphadora tonks n fleur delacour *i orginally also like bellatrix lestrange but i hate her more bcoz she killed sirius T.T* but wats interesting about ginny is dat SHE GOT D MAN OF HER DREAMS AT D END.

for d non HP fans,,it's stated in d book dat ginny has loved harry since her 1st year at hogwarts but at dat time harry wasn't interested. it's kinda sad actually dat ginny's affection towards harry has been a favorite subject of jokes and mockeries by her own brothers. even her valentine card ended up *i dun really remember* being sat by harry ? but suddenly at harry's 6th year (ginny's 5th year) harry realized dat he actually had d same feeling as ginny when he saw ginny kissed dean thomas. until know i still dunno how it happens. even in a magic world love dun suddenly appear out of nowhere rite ? it's not like harry was in denial 4 years coz there was totally no sign of dat. but doesn't matter how,,i would say dat dat is an ultimate inspiration 4 me.

i know there re many significant differences between HP world n dis world we re live in rite now *the most prominent one is dat here broom doesn't fly* but feelings does change rite ? i wanna believe it...hopefully like ginny,,i also can get d man of my dreams :)

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