wat do i do ? basically living my life...

Selasa, 20 April 2010


try dis site : http://www.fmylife.com
i admit dat 4 me it's a pleasure 2 read about other ppl's misery when i'm in a bad mood. it makes me 2 look at my own condition n say : dis isn't too bad after all :)

here is d examples :

Today, I saw a professor of mine who I admire as I went into the bathroom. We greeted each other, then I went into a stall and he went into the stall next to mine. For the next five minutes, he had to listen to me having epic diarrhea. FML

Today, while watching a movie, I said to my new girlfriend it's bullshit how girls get away with false advertising by stuffing their bras, but the second a guy stuffs his pants it's game over. She seemed upset and went to the bathroom, finally coming out at least 2 cup sizes smaller. FML

Today, my boyfriend told me he loved me for the first time. He followed it with, "Want to try anal?" FML

Today, after months of careful dieting and avoiding scales so I wouldn't discourage myself, I decided to weigh myself to see how far I've come. I gained ten pounds. FML

Today, I found a cute baby bunny... with my lawn mower. FML

Today, I felt the urge to sneeze, so out of instinct I looked away from the computer and sneezed to my left. The rotating fan was blowing at my direction at that moment, so I just sneezed on my own face. FML

Today, I was lying in bed with my boyfriend after a rather steamy session. He kept softly whispering, "That was amazing, that was amazing..." I kissed him and agreed. Apparently he was talking about the fact that he'd managed to throw the used condom into the bin using his left hand. FML

Today, I was walking the dog when I noticed a hot guy checking me out. Flustered, I continued walking, only to trip over my dog and land on my face. The hot guy took a picture, laughed, and walked away. FML

Today, I was trying on a $200 shirt from Guess. I was too fat to fit into it, but my friend convinced me it would look hot. It suddenly ripped. I tried to take it off. It ripped some more. FML

Today, I was looking through some pics that my friend had taken at a party I was at. I noticed I was in one and wasn't tagged so I tagged myself. Half an hour later I was untagged and cropped out of the picture. FML

Today, I went to the beach with my kids. I found a sea shell and gave it to my 4 year old daughter and said "You can hear the ocean if you put this to your ear." She put the shell to her ear and screamed. There was a hermit crab inside and it pinched her ear. She never wants to go back. FML

Today, my boyfriend told me he's only with me because his friend bet £30 that he couldn't get me into bed. He told me after I had just lost my virginity to him. He then dumped me. FML

Today, I was searching for my crush at the campus because I haven't seen him since he wrecked my car and I miss him. Only to find out that right now he's in another city, with his ex-girlfriend. FML

Today, I was getting ready to host a party when I let loose a huge fart, pooing a bit at the same time. I was just changing when my crush arrived saying she really had to use the toilet. Without thinking I showed her where it was. Where did I leave my poo covered boxers? On the bathroom floor. FML

Today, I got my foot run over by my mother backing out of the garage. Then, when I was helped into the car to be taken to the doctor, my mother slams the same foot in the door. Later at the doctor's, I got my damaged foot stepped on by a very large and heavy woman. FML

Today, I locked my dog inside so she wouldn't bother me while I was cleaning the yard. After I finished picking up all her shit, I came inside to realize she shit all over my kitchen floor. FML

Today, I set my status on Facebook to "Got hit by a car. In the hospital for a few weeks." 10 people liked it and 1 person asked if there was a video. FML

why would i bother 2 write them here ? well,,turns out dat writing bout other ppl misery's even more fun than reading it. i should add it 2 my list *evil mode : totally ON*


Rabu, 14 April 2010

about glee

after doing my post about ginny,,i found dat actually ginny isn't d only one who has dat kind of story out there. i just watched d 13th episode of glee (1st season) and i think it's pretty memorable,,especially when will and emma were kissing as the song "my life will suck without u" by kelly clarkson was played at d background. well,,just like i have never like ginny weasley,,i also was never a fan of emma pillsbury *i guess i just dun like d 'goody2 shoes' type of girl* but i'm happy 2 see them finally 2gether *sorry terri* coz i like 2 see a girl who fought 4 her love being triumphant at d end. like i said,,it brings so much inspiration 2 me...and i will keep searching 4 more and more similar stories and post it here,,while working on my own happy ending :) so dis is not d first story of love and hope in dis blog...and it definitely won't b d last...

about ginny

i like harry potter series...in fact i have read and collected all of d books and spent my childhood obsessing about it. i even had a crush on my cousin dat has d same face as daniel radcliffe *interested ? no,,there is no way i can give u his fb link xD* having said dat,,on dis special occasion i will write sumthing about HP but it definitely isn't a review coz i know there re millions of them at d internet. tonite i will write about : GINNY WEASLEY.

no,,i personally dun like ginny weasley or bonnie wright *no offense 2 her fans* if i am asked which one of HP girls i like,,i will say : luna lovegood, nymphadora tonks n fleur delacour *i orginally also like bellatrix lestrange but i hate her more bcoz she killed sirius T.T* but wats interesting about ginny is dat SHE GOT D MAN OF HER DREAMS AT D END.

for d non HP fans,,it's stated in d book dat ginny has loved harry since her 1st year at hogwarts but at dat time harry wasn't interested. it's kinda sad actually dat ginny's affection towards harry has been a favorite subject of jokes and mockeries by her own brothers. even her valentine card ended up *i dun really remember* being sat by harry ? but suddenly at harry's 6th year (ginny's 5th year) harry realized dat he actually had d same feeling as ginny when he saw ginny kissed dean thomas. until know i still dunno how it happens. even in a magic world love dun suddenly appear out of nowhere rite ? it's not like harry was in denial 4 years coz there was totally no sign of dat. but doesn't matter how,,i would say dat dat is an ultimate inspiration 4 me.

i know there re many significant differences between HP world n dis world we re live in rite now *the most prominent one is dat here broom doesn't fly* but feelings does change rite ? i wanna believe it...hopefully like ginny,,i also can get d man of my dreams :)

Kamis, 08 April 2010


writing is d way 4 us 2 treasure things,,things dat will fade as d time goes by. as we write we may re-experience d sweetness n d bitterness of memories...whatever we felt at dat time. bringing back memories,,on d other hand makes d distance we experience seems shorter...as if i could reach out my hand 2 u...wherever u re rite now :) enough reasons 2 write rite ? so dis is d story...

once upon a time,,there was a girl. a young girl dat even hadn't turned 17. she was a hopeless-romantic-dreamer who believed in fairytale n happy ending...she believed dat sumday she would meet a guy,,her own prince who could see trough her 86 kg of fats, helmet hair, smack down t-shirt...and finds a girl dat deserves 2 b loved.

at her first year in college our girl meet a boy. at dat moment she knew dat day boy n her are meant 2 b 2gether *or so she tought* maybe it's true dat they have some similarities,,but wat she was failed 2 see is dat boy had passed d stage dat she was on. dat his metamorphoses was almost finished while her metamorphoses hadn't even begun yet.

it took a pretty long time,,but then she realized dat she had 2 change if she ever want dat boy 2 look at her...dat stalking and hiding behind a pediatric bookshelf in d library just wouldn't work,,so at dat very moment she finally started her own metamorphoses. well,,it was a hell of metamorphoses and i dun mean it in an amazing kinda hell. statistically,,it involved 3x visit 2 d ER at d middle of d night,,countless growling of d stomach,,sweats,,tears,,and various episodes of heartaches,,depression,,and aggression. luckily she has a great family n friends who always support her no matter wat.

after dat she spent almost two years running back and forth - to and from dat boy...even,,she has tried everything dat she thought can help her 2 move on. sales,,ice cream,,boys and more boys. it's true dat she did like sum other boys and even had couples of crushes,,but at d end she can only address d word 'love' to only one person.

now i'm not a lt girl weight 86 *wow,,look at dat irony* with helmet hair and smack down t-shirt anymore. well,,maybe i'm not yet a butterfly but my metamorphoses still continue...and i guess i have 2 thank u 4 dat. thanks for making me grow. thanks for making me feel better when i look at d mirror...dat finally i can accept and love myself. thanks 4 being kind 2 me even at d time when i dun deserve it. i love u and i always will,,but i dun make dis post 2 beg u 2 accept me,,so again...thanks senpai :)

"sumtimes goodbye means nothing,,it's just d only logical thing 2 say at dat moment." -dB-