wat do i do ? basically living my life...

Senin, 29 Maret 2010

deena goes 2 asylum part 2

here i am...writing on dis blog again,,when i'm supposed 2 write an essay bout top 10 diseases 4 my puskesmas assignment *ups,,sorry din* dis past few days have been surreal 4 me. sumhow i feel relieved dat i had 2 stay at home 2day. sumhow it's hard 4 me 2 get back 2 campus n face...well,,pretty much everything. it's funny coz actually everything is fine...my grades are horrible but they always are,,i have no problem with school works nor the lectures/tutors,,n my friend re great n very supportive...so my question is : why ??

maybe,,related 2 d "fear thing" i talked bout in my last post...i'm scared of anything dat can remind me of my "grand plan" which is btw will have to be realized in 29 hours from now *i just got d text* maybe dats why now i feel like wrapping myself in a coccon n just hibernate until dis moment passed....but i can't. well,,i CAN...but i know later on i won't 4give myself if i surrender just bcoz of fear. i have managed 2 do it in d past *awfully* so why can't i do it again ?? *at dis point i realize dat wat i'm writing in dis post just dun make any sense but why should it make sense ?? after all d title of dis post has sumthing 2 do with asylum*

of course it's a lie 2 say dat i'm not hoping dis time ur answer would b different. it's a BIG FAT LIE. but i'm gonna say it as sincere as i can : no matter wats d outcome is...i'll live with it. well,,i dun say dat i'm not gonna try again in d future...but it's enough 4 now. dis is my last effort as a non-clinical medical student. wat bout next year ? who knows ? ;)

well,,enough of dis swan song...d result hasn't been out yet so i'm not gonna write like a loser. u re wat u think rite ?? finger crossed n hope 4 d best :)

YES,,I CAN !! ...at least i can say it...

2 komentar:

Aku mengatakan...

You did said goodbye.. :)

Deena mengatakan...

hahaha...iya vid :) g ada gunanya menyesali yg telah lalu...skarang saatnya memandang k depan,,smangaaat !! ^^ thx tman...