wat do i do ? basically living my life...

Kamis, 11 Februari 2010


Untuk memperingati hari valentine yang bakal datang sebentar lagi *damn valentine day* kali ini aku akan menulis tentang cinta. Bagi yang mengharapkan post yang memuji2 cinta yang penuh kebahagiaan ada baiknya kalau tab ini langsung di close saja...karena tidak ada cinta yang membahagiakan dalam hidupku - belum...

Love isn't bullsh*t...it's sumthing,,but i dun say dat it's sumthing GOOD. Love is d source of pain n agony. Love can turn ur world upside down so d things dat re used 2 b rite suddenly turns wrong. Yes, love can also bring happiness but for how long ? Lets say u just met ur boyfriend or sum1 u like n u feel happy...but then later in dat day he isn't returning any of ur calls/messages...re u still feel happy ? It's a whole lot better when our state of happiness isn't depend on sumthing as fragile as love.

Love coz aggression. Love breaks friendship. People re getting killed everywhere bcoz of love. Well,,wat i'm trying 2 say is dat d world will b such a better place without is thing we called love.

PS : bfore anyone get me wrong,,wat i'm talking bout here is d love between MAN 'n WOMAN not d others.


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