wat do i do ? basically living my life...

Kamis, 06 Mei 2010

just enjoy the show

i'm a persistent bastard n dat gives me hard time sumtimes. i always know wat i want,,usually forced my way into it...n i often keep obsessing bout things i can't control. is dis really an ADHD ? seriously.

i know i can't change how ppl feel bout me. i know i can work my as* off but still i can't make u turn 2 me. so let it be...rite ?? enjoy life. have fun. study hard. do anythings interesting which have nothing 2 do with dat particular matter. it's my life n i just live once.

yes,,it's true dat i can recall dat nite as one of the happiest nite in my live....one of d tops three at least. but it's not like i'm gonna give my peace of mind away just bcoz of one nite. it's a whole lot better remembering it as a sweet memory than a thing 2 be obsessing over. i'm not saying dat i'm gonna giving up on u...there is no way i would do dat,,as long as i can still functioning (in dis case means alive) but i'm gonna take an advice dat my wise friend gave me : take it slow,,relax,,n enjoy d show :)

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