wat do i do ? basically living my life...

Senin, 10 Mei 2010

old single cat lady

if "art of love" is a subject in school then i would get a D for sure...IF I'M LUCKY. why i'm never good at dis ?? damn ! well, i'm a straight forward person. i always say wat i mean and mean wat i say. sadly, dat is not how it works here. if there is a guide of how 2 act when we re attracted 2 sumone then i will definitely buy it coz i seems 2 have no clue. why does when we re, girls, pursuing boys we love relentlessly we will be called too aggressive...but when boys do d same thing they will get credits 4 dat ? am i wrong 2 say dat it isn't fair ??

i'm tired of feeling like a crap. is it a sin 2 love sumone n fight 4 dat ? does it make me a person 2 look down 2 ? sorry then if it's true, but nobody can make me feel inferior if i dun let them 2. n u know wat ? i won't. i know u know how i feel about u, n u know dat i wanna be with u. if u dun feel d same about me then it's ur lost, not mine :)

honestly, even if my friends always say dat i'm still young, deep down in my heart i always feel dat if dis isn't work out...i'm not gonna find another. call me pessimistic, tell me dat i haven't seen half of d world...tell me dat there re a lot of fish in d ocean. wat i'm gonna say is dis : i dun want another fish. i'd rather dun eat fish at all than eating an anchovy when i'm longing 4 a tuna. i will only end up comparing them n feel sorry 4 myself n d anchovy.

beside, being single isn't bad after all. picturing myself 50 years later as an old VIRGIN lady with tons of cats actually dun scare me at all *better, when i can erase d word "virgin" n change it 2 "single" only :D* maybe i will adopt a cute caucasian girl as my daughter and named her "america". maybe not, if d idea of being a single mom scare me too much. well, i still have a lot of time 2 think, wat i'm sure about is dat i'll be relieved 2 not be a part of any complicated unhealthy relationship with any guy - other than u at any stage of my life :)

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