wat do i do ? basically living my life...

Jumat, 11 Desember 2009

Deena Cantabile

love can be painful
I realized that by you that night
because I know you
more than anyone else does

even that usual casual
kindness binds this heart of mines

*even if I gaze at you very, very close
why, why are we still just friends?
no matter how strongly I think of you
I can’t tell you, you don’t understand
I’m so in love with you

‘that moment you said
‘you look down’
I made an excuse saying ‘maybe I’m lacking sleep?’
with a yawn to hide my tears

telling lies after lies
to the most important person… that’s the current me

because my heart feels hurt every single day
I spend many, many sleepless nights
it’ll be great if we can return
to that day we met for the very first time…
I’m so in love with you

if I tell you ‘I love you’
we’ll probably won’t be able to return to smiles again
but I can’t remain as friends
with a false smile anymore, so

honestly, honestly I always loved you
I always, always loved you
I whispered the feelings I wanted
delivered to you into the blue sky
I’m so in love with you

~Crystal Kay~

ini bukan puisi. ini sbnrnya adalah translation lagu yg versi aslinya pake basa jepang. ak g bakal nulis pake bs jepang coz i know how dat looks like :) tp memang sejak pertama ak denger lagu ini sambil baca text bs inggris nya d animax, ak ngrasa lagu ini meaningful bgt...'n dat song actually reflect exactly how i feels.

even dat usual casual kindness binds this heart of mines. telling lies after lies 2 d most important person…dats d current me. but i can’t remain as friends wif a false smile anymore so honestly, honestly i always loved you...i always, always loved u...

NB : ini bukan rencana penguntitan kok :)

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